Business content verification has finally arrived.

Build trust & credibility for your B2B company with content verified by humans.

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Content Verification For Any Business

Our suite of B2B content verification solutions include:

Verification Platform

Our easy-to-use application enables simple & secure multi-party content verification, generating an auditable seal of approval with analytics.

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Done-For-You Verification

Our tailored content verification solution offers the benefits of our verification platform in the form of a trusted third-party managed service.

Verification Plugins & API

Our plugins and API allow content verification to be seamlessly integrated into CMS and other content creation and publishing workflows.

Why ContentSeal

ContentSeal is dedicated to creating an environment of transparency and accountability for business content across the web. We help companies establish credibility and maintain trust with their prospects and customers with offerings built to provide third-party validation of business content and claims.

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Trusted By?

Ever notice the impressive logos on a startup's website and wondered if those companies were actually customers?

Yeah, us too. This is just one of many business content credibility issues ContentSeal is working to solve.

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Stand apart from your competition and offer peace of mind for your customers and prospects. Join today!